How to Indulge Like an Italian (and Still Lose the Festive Flab)

Come January 1st, resolutions for a new, healthier you emerge: you dust off your trainers, finally take advantage of that gym membership that’s gone unused for months and vow that nothing but kale and filtered spring water will pass your lips. But despite your best efforts, these attempts at ‘virtuous’ healthy living can only last so long – a person can’t survive on kale and water alone!

This year, rather than holding yourself to impossible standards, adopt a mindset of healthy indulgence. There’s no need to deprive yourself of deliciousness as you shed that bit of weight you put on during the holidays! Using nutritious ingredients like extra virgin olive oil, high-quality seafood and fresh fruit and veg, authentic Italian food is both good and good for you. Here are our tips for indulging in a smart, healthy and sustainable way this new year, Italian-style.

Tip: Salads Don’t Have to Be Boring

Italians know the key to a great salad: keeping things simple. Choose fresh leafy greens, throw in some chopped tomatoes and your favourite antipasti (olives, artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes are great here), and dress it all in extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Add grilled chicken or fish for protein, grate a bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano on top and you’ve got yourself a light and incredibly tasty meal!

Tip: Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

You can swear up and down that you’re going to stick to a healthy diet, but when that fierce beast called hunger rears its ugly head, it’s all too easy to reach for a bag of crisps or succumb to the siren call of doughnuts in the office. Instead of throwing your healthy resolutions out the window, come prepared: keep snacks on hand that are both nourishing and satisfying. At Diforti, we love grabbing a handful of nuts to chow down on. We’ve found that olives and antipasti also make excellent snacks – they are packed with flavour and healthy fats, filling you up and fighting off those hunger pangs.

Tip: Everything in Moderation

Let’s face it: food is meant to be enjoyed. Every so often, it’s important to treat yourself to the things you love, even if they aren’t strictly ‘healthy’. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and a restrictive mindset can do more harm than good. So enjoy a glass of fine Italian red wine, lovingly prepare a cheesy, creamy pasta and share it with your family or have a cheeky cannoli. Savour the foods and drinks you love as part of a well-rounded, active lifestyle, and you’ll be far less likely to ditch your health goals.

The tradition of healthy indulgence is built into Italian culture – we value whole foods, meals cooked with care and premium ingredients. Fortunately, adopting this perspective on healthy eating has never been easier – with Diforti, you needn’t even run out to an Italian delicatessen in London to buy your extra virgin olive oil or antipasti. Just order from our Italian deli online, and you’ll have everything you need to indulge mindfully in the new year. Finally, a resolution you can keep!


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